Smile Lines

Smile Lines

How do I get rid of smile lines?

Botox West Palm Beach Gardens Florida inhibe la transmisión de señales entre los nervios y los músculos. Esta inhibición impide que los músculos se contraigan, relajándolos y con ello relajando las líneas y arrugas en los lugares donde se inyecta. Esta inhibición es temporal y la transmisión se recupera con el tiempo. La dosis de Botox en cada zona se puede adaptar también para tener un bloqueo completo o una inhibición mínima. Es importante señalar aquí también que la dosis de Botox se correlaciona directamente con el tiempo. Cuanto más se inyecte, más durará el efecto.

Smile lines West Palm Beach Gardens Florida are also called laugh lines or Nasolabial folds. They are types of wrinkles that primarily develop around the sides of your mouth.

It is important to understand that even babies have them. The problem is that with aging these lines become very prominent and deep in some people.

The smile line West Palm Beach Gardens Florida are the result of the diminishing of supporting structure and the loss of volume that occurs continuously with time as we age. Age, smoking, genetics, and solar lights are all contributing factors.

This is the basis behind the different treatments that are used to soften and make these lines appear better and less deep.

There are many different treatment strategies that are very important to improve these lines. Some people think that filling these lines with Dermal fillers is the best and only option to treat laugh lines. Actually, this treatment should be the last and not the first choice.

Smile lines West Palm Beach Gardens Florida are also called laugh lines or Nasolabial folds. They are types of wrinkles that primarily develop around the sides of your mouth.

It is important to understand that even babies have them. The problem is that with aging these lines become very prominent and deep in some people.

The smile line West Palm Beach Gardens Florida are the result of the diminishing of supporting structure and the loss of volume that occurs continuously with time as we age. Age, smoking, genetics, and solar lights are all contributing factors.

This is the basis behind the different treatments that are used to soften and make these lines appear better and less deep.

There are many different treatment strategies that are very important to improve these lines. Some people think that filling these lines with Dermal fillers is the best and only option to treat laugh lines. Actually, this treatment should be the last and not the first choice.

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Other treatment options are :

1) Evite el sol y utilice protector solar:

El protector solar es más eficaz y diferente del filtro solar. El protector solar contiene un metal como el zinc o el titanio que bloquea física y eficazmente los rayos UVA y UVB. Estos ingredientes son más importantes que el FPS que figura en la etiqueta. Además, aplíquese el protector solar con frecuencia, cada 3 ó 4 horas, sobre todo si está al aire libre.

2) Un tratamiento médico constante: 

Make sure you consult with your beauty esthetician to analyze your skin and recommend the best treatment for your skin.

3) Un tratamiento facial regular que sea relajante y saludable:

El facial en West Palm Beach Gardens Florida debe incluir microdermoabrasión o dermoplanificación si no hay contraindicación. El objetivo de estos tratamientos es eliminar los restos y las capas de células muertas de la parte superior de la piel. Esto permitirá que los productos de cuidado de la piel se absorban más eficazmente en la profundidad de la piel.

4)Chemical peels West Palm Beach Gardens Florida: 

Peeling químico de grado médico como VI peel West Palm Beach Gardens Florida is a good choice to help in this area as well. You’ll need a series of peels in succession then a maintenance peel from time to time. It helps with collagen formation and improves the results of the other treatments as well.

5) RF Microneedling West Palm Beach Gardens Florida:

When it comes to RF Microneedling, the two factors that affect the results are the practitioner’s experience and skills and how aggressive the treatment is. The more aggressive setting would result in a little more discomfort and potentially a little more downtime, but the results would be way better. The downtime from RF microneedling is short anyways. Expect less than 24 hours downtime in most cases. Very rarely you might need more than that if you have very sensitive skin. A series of 3 treatments spread one month apart would give amazing results in almost all patients. This can improve the overall quality of not only the laugh lines but the whole face and treated area.

6) Laser resurfacing Fraxel West Palm Beach Gardens Florida: 

The same as RF microneedling. There are many different machines on the market. An experienced provider will discuss the best option for you depending on your desires. Overall, the more aggressive the laser and the setting are, the more downtime, the more discomfort, the more chances of side effects, the more expensive is the treatment, but the better are the results. The less aggressive treatment will result in almost the same results but you’ll need more treatment sessions to achieve that over time. The resurfacing can be targeted towards the peri-oral area or you can resurface the whole face. A laser is more effective for wrinkles but it would also minimally improve the Nasolabial Folds and also enhances the chances of the other therapies.

7) Fibroblast Plasma Pen : 

is one of the new treatments for treating laugh lines. It can be used to treat wrinkles, folds, lines, and sagginess in different places of the face and body. The most important factors here are the experience of the provider and the pattern of the treatment area. The downtime is around 3-5 days to allows the scabs to fall. It is important to avoid the sun during and after this period for around 2 weeks. Using Hyaluronic acid cream twice a day will improve the final result. You might achieve your goal in one treatment. However, a Plasma pen can theoretically be repeated every 2-3 months to achieve the final results.

8) Dermal Filler in the cheek and cheekbone areas:

Filling the cheeks with good lifting and strong filler is great to lift and make a subtle improvement on the depth of laugh lines. Fillers that are great for this purpose in this area are Radiesse, Juvederm Voluma, Restylane Lift, and Bellafill.

Radiesse is my favorite as it has the highest G prime which is a measurement unit to compare how lifting the filler. It is 3 times more lifting than others.

My other choice would be Bellafill for two reasons. Bellafill is the longest acting filler. It lasts around 5 years. Also, Bellafill is a biostimulant. This means the lifting from Bellafill is due to its stimulatory effect on collagenases. It prompts your skin to produce its own collagen giving a very natural and long-lasting result.

9)Thread lift :

It is also called a non-surgical facelift. An experienced provider would place at least 3 threads on each side of the face. The choice of threads, quality, and vectors of placement are all very important factors to a successful and natural result.

Threads are one of the most effective tools to reduce the extent of the smile lines in a natural way.

10) Dermal filler in the laugh lines :

This is effective and I leave it as last resort. The previous options give a more natural and attractive look of the face. But still, there are many instances where filling the Nasolabial folds is a great choice. Many fillers can be used here as Versa or Juvederm Ultra or Ultra XC.

Dr. Dahabra is Board certified Cosmetic Physician in West Palm Beach Gardens Florida area. He is the medical director of Beverly Hills Wellness Center & Med Spa which is the highest-rated Med Spa in the region.

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