¿Cómo se elimina el melasma?

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¿Cómo se elimina el melasma?

Melasma West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, is sometimes called the mask of pregnancy as it is exacerbated by pregnancy in some patients.

This is due to the hormonal factor in the pathogenesis of Melasma. However, it is not only in the form of a mask, and it doesn’t only occur in pregnant ladies.

Melasma is the hyperpigmentation and the dark brown discoloration that appears on the face; It is one of the most stubborn forms of hyperpigmentation. Many theories exist about melasma’s causes, pathogenesis, and origin in West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Many theories relate to the origin and dysfunction in the epidermis, dermis, and skin vascularization. This is why it is challenging to treat Melasma, as the real cause is unclear.

Many agree it is multifactorial as well. Many treatments can eliminate Melasma or at least make it look way better.

Some of you ask, “How do I make Melasma go away?” West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, or “How do I make Melasma go away más rápidoSigue leyendo. Este artículo es para usted.

There is no quick fix or magic treatment for Melasma. Here are a lot of the steps and treatments that you can take.

Also, there are certain things you need to avoid.


¿Es el melasma diferente de la hiperpigmentación?

Hyperpigmentation is a collective name for different skin conditions that cause discoloration of dyschromia and increased areas of darker colors on the skin.

Melasma is but one type of hyperpigmentation. But not all hyperpigmentations are Melasma.

Hyperpigmentation can result from sun damage, injury, acne, or even products or cosmetic procedures, like lasers and exfoliaciones químicas.

Anything that inflames the skin can cause hyperpigmentation. Some people are prone to hyperpigment more than others, especially those patients with deep skin tones, which we call Fitzpatrick 4 and above.

Melasma Oeste Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, is a more widespread and blotchy discoloration. It differs from other types of hyperpigmentation on that aspect like PIH”post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation” or sunspots.

It likes certain areas on the face, like above the upper lip, and looks like a mustache. Also, sometimes, it appears on the cheeks and looks like a mask.

It is more patchy instead of looking like circles in the case of sunspots or random in the case of PIH, where it appears anywhere and in any shape where the face gets inflamed.


¿Cuáles son las causas del melasma en West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida?

No one can put his finger on the exact cause of Melasma.

Some of the causes are genetic. It appears more in people with parents who have had the same problem.

Also, it has some hormonal components, which is why it is more prevalent and appears in susceptible patients when they are pregnant or when they are on birth control pills.

Sun exposure either makes the melasma return or worsens it if it is already present. Solar radiations are the primary activators of melanogenesis that result in hyperpigmentation.

Recent studies showed that UVA and UVB can cause this, and even VL” visible light” can also be a catalyst.

Recent studies showed that different environmental pollutants can cause oxidative stress on the cells, causing inflammation and PIH.


¿Cuáles son los mejores tratamientos para el melasma en West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

The main treatments for Melasma are topical products.

Melasma is very difficult to treat, and there is no cure. It’s a chronic condition.

Some topical treatments work well for most people. Unfortunately, a small group of people are very resistant to any melasma treatment.

These are the exceptions, though, and most patients respond to one or other treatment.


1. Physical sunscreen containing zinc or titanium dioxide

The most crucial step in Melasma treatment is avoiding the sun and using a Sunscreen. Any treatment for Melasma that ignores this step would fail.

Again, nothing would work if you don’t avoid the sun and use a strong physical sunscreen. A physical sunscreen will scatter and protect you from both UVA and UVB.

The regular sunscreen won’t do that. When your melasma is treated and reduced, it is of utmost importance to avoid the sun during peak hours and to use a high-quality physical sunblock.

If this rule is not followed, the melasma will return roaring immediately. I have some patients who go on vacation to come back accompanied by their melasma.

All the hard work and treatments that they received for melasma need to start again from scratch.

Some patients with severe cases of melasma need to wear sunscreen during the day, even if they are indoors. This subset of patients is susceptible to visible light, even artificial indoor lighting.


2. Skin-care products designed to treat hyperpigmentation

Muchos products cause the lightening and brightening of the skin. The most known are the Hydroquinone ones.

However, products that contain retinoids are helpful for this purpose as well. Others inhibit pigment production, such as Tranexamic acid and Kojic acid.

The above products are key to successful Melasma treatment in West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Hydroquinone has the side effect of making your skin blue-gray for a prolonged time. That is why it is not a DIY-at-home product.

Unfortunately, there are many black markets and illegal ways to get it. It is essential to avoid that as your Dr. is the only one qualified to monitor what concentration is helpful for you and for how long.


3. Chemical peels

Chemical peels in West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, are a double-edged sword in melasma; a peel that’s too strong or inappropriate for your skin type can worsen melasma.

If it causes a lot of inflammation, it can leave you with PIH”post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation” on top of your melasma and worsen it as well. That is why it is essential to start with a mild peel with low concentration and work your way up.

Remember, melasma is a chronic, stubborn condition that requires a step-by-step approach. Starting low and going slow is the name of the game for Melasma.

Try otherwise, and you might lose the battle.

ViPeel and Revepeel are reputable medical-grade peels that have special types of peels specifically designed to treat melasma. The process is to have a chemical peel at the doctor’s office followed by a daily skin regimen at home till it is time to get your next at-office peel.

The home products usually contain ingredients (like azelaic acid, kojic acid, phytic acid, pyruvic acid, and titanium dioxide) that suppress the body’s melanin production and increase cell turnover to minimize melanin that’s already become visible on the skin’s surface.

Patients should avoid sunlight, especially when applying these medical-grade chemical peels and skincare products. These treatments make their skin extra sensitive to UVA and UVB.


4. Lasers 

Like chemical peels, the lasers for other hyperpigmentation don’t always work for melasma; some can worsen the condition.

For melasma, some lasers like Palomar Lux 1540 with long wavelengths are suitable for targeting the hyperpigmentation found deep in the dermis. This way, the skin care products help with the superficial epidermal pigments, and the 1540 Fraxel Oeste Palm Beach Gardens, Floridaworks more profoundly into the dermis.

The trick here is to start with a low-conservative setting. The aggressive laser can have counterproductive results, such as worsening melasma.

It is important to note that not all patients respond favorably to laser treatments. That is why starting with test spots in some patients is also essential to monitor their response.


5. Antioxidants

It only makes sense that antioxidants would help in Melasma. Recent studies showed the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and worsening of melasma.

Topical, oral, and IV antioxidants are suitable adjunctive treatments to help treat melasma. Natural supplements that contain Polypodium leucotomos extract in West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, are good examples of antioxidant substances that help the body and the skin.

Trade names are Fernblock West Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and Heliocare West Palm Beach Garden, Florida.


Qué hacer y qué no hacer con el melasma: 

  • Use a physical blocking sunscreen daily—indoors and out- rain or shine.
  • Evite la exposición al sol.
  • Si es posible, evite los métodos anticonceptivos que segregan hormonas.
  • Utilizar productos para el cuidado de la piel que inhiban la pigmentación.
  • Evite situaciones en las que pase mucho calor, por ejemplo, en una sauna.
  • Evite el calor infrarrojo.
  • Cuidado con los tratamientos láser
  • Evite cualquier tratamiento cosmético que provoque inflamación.



Dr. Dahabra

Plantation Med Spa, Florida

Clínica de terapia intravenosa de West Palm Beach