Acne Program
Acne Program in West Palm Beach, FL
We offer a clear-skin system that will have your acne at West Palm Beach Gardens Florida under control in about three to four months. We combine the power of clinical-grade products that are customized for your type of acne, with a series of bi-monthly treatments. We also teach you about other aggravating factors that make you break out – foods, medications, cosmetics, stress, and common ingredients in skin care formulations that might be clogging your pores (even professional and prescription products).
- Initial consultation: 75
- Consultation + treatment (recommended): 125
- Acne Facial: 85
- Package of 3 facials: 230
- Package of 6 facials: 450
We follow different approaches for different patients. Some patients’ condition is very resistant.There are different other treatments that proved to be successful and beneficial for some patients with acne in West Palm Beach Gardens Florida area. Not all acne is the same and not all patients have the same type.
Palomar Lux1540 Fraxel West Palm Beach Gardens Florida is a type of long wavelength infrared laser. Infrared lasers are proven to be effective in acne treatment.This wavelength penetrates deep into the dermis and it targets mainly water as chromophore. Part of the pathophysiology of acne is the entrapment of sebum in the gland . The 1540 helps to decrease the amount of sebum in these glands and help in overall recovery from Acne. This same Lux 1540 is also great in improving the look of the acne scars as well as an added benefit.
The good thing about this is that severe acne sometimes require the use of strong medications as Isotretinion with all its side effects. Before the development of Lasers the stronger the treatment is the more the side effects are . This changed with lasers that provide very aggressive and efficient treatment with minimal side effects in experienced hands. So Palomer Lux 1540 is a proven safe and effective treatment for Acne Vulgaris.
Usually patients need a total of four sessions that are two weeks apart. This results in a lon term benfit in most patients that last up to 2 years or more.
Best Acne Treatment Program West Palm Beach Gardens Fl