Body Waxing

Body Waxing in West Palm Beach, FL

Body waxing West Palm Beach Gardens Florida is a hair removal method that can be applied in any part of the body that has hair on it. We pride ourselves in using only Organic wax. Our wax esthetician has years of experience in waxing different areas of the body.

Body wax West Palm Beach Gardens Florida is done incrementally. Depending on the body region waxed and the professional, it could take 15-60 minutes. After the procedure is done, a soothing lotion will be gently applied to calm the skin.

However, before getting a body wax West Palm Beach Gardens Florida, some recommendations should be followed, including:

The skin should be prepared. This means that it has to be exfoliated, washed, and dried.
The hair needs to have a certain length before getting it waxed; otherwise, the wax will have nothing to grab onto, and the process will not work.

Some people elect to take a pain killer an hour or so before the procedure. You can even take the medication afterward if you forget to take it before.

Injured skin can’t be waxed. Rashes, cuts, or blemishes can become painful after the waxing process.

Do you have any question? Do you want to make your skin more beautiful and give yourself a gift? Then come to our clinic at the Beverly Hills Wellness Center and Med Spa in West Palm Beach Gardens Florida, and we will take outstanding care of you! You want to know even more about this technique and our practice? Then visit us at

You can trust your skin to us. We have an excellent team of Doctor, Aestheticians, pharmacist, and cosmetologists.